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seeing people saved through the gospel

It was clear to me early on in my Christian life that I wanted to carry God's message to the whole world. In recent years, my wife Lisa and I have done this through my work at another Christian ministry and have seen the power of presenting the simple, clear gospel to the masses. Thousands of people have been touched, changed and saved.


We were very often on missions abroad, but every time we came back from another country and had just seen how Jesus saved thousands of people, we both realized that Germany needs a move from God that is at least as strong. Therefore, the idea of combining everything to create a ministry purely specialized in the proclamation of the Gospel was born in my heart:


GODsPOWER – for the gospel is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes! (Romans 1:16)


Our team

Flood Germany with the Gospel. Together.

Of course, what we do is never done alone. We have wonderful people who support us with their skills. Starting with our dedicated prayer team, our faithful accountant, the various event organizers, trainers for leadership and evangelism, technicians, graphic designers, marketing managers, videographers and many more...

We are so grateful for all of you! 

If you also want to get involved with your talent, go to the “Donate and Get Involved” page. 

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get yourself
our book!


In this book we tell how God showed himself powerfully in our lives and at the same time we're giving the reader some material to think about their own faith.

On the Spiegel bestseller list since April 24 !

Spiegel Bestseller



God the Creator and Father . He is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent. He was there from the beginning of time. Everything came to existence through him. He created us human beings to have fellowship with us. That's why he gave us free will. But we humans have decided to rebel against God and his commandments. This rebellion is called sin. Sin has destroyed the relationship between us humans and God. And actually, the price of sin would have been eternal death. But God loves all people and so he did provide a way of forgiveness and restoration.


Jesus Christ came into this world as the Son of God.

He not only showed us the fathers heart a lot more clear, but he also changed his environment with amazing love and justice, but he also came with a great mission. 

By dying on the cross he paid the debt of every person. Sin will be blotted out for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. After three days Jesus awoke from the dead. He conquered death and is now seated at the right hand of God. Through his resurrection, we humans will also be resurrected and no longer have to pay the price for our sins.

The Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus to be a assistance to us. He lives in us if we invite him to do so. He works in us all good things... (peace,  self-control , etc.)

And he gives us the ability to do supernatural things through him: healing, divination, supernatural wisdom,... 

He is the working spirit of God here on earth. 

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